Upcoming Events

experience the new era of welding technology

Dear Welding Professionals  & Practice Engineers ! 

Greetings from Weld Met Advisory Services !

Are you interested in enhancing your practical knowledge on Welding ASME BPV Codes & Standards ? 

Are you interested in gaining confidence while working and interpretation with Welding ASME BPV Code ? 

Are you looking for a Training in Welding Codes & Standards with a Certificate? 

Are you interested to develop a skill-sets to face the welding jobs interviews successfully? & increase every chance of your employment ?

Are you interested to develop a skill to understand your Job / client requirements effectively & refer the code accordingly ? 

If your answer to the above questions is ” YES “ Then, Weld Met Advisory Service is offering you an opportunity to join our Welding Professional skill development Courses from an experienced team of welding professionals .

Interested people can show their interest by registering at the link: Link: https://forms.gle/h8MCw146Lsz8hhXT9

Who can attend the Course ? Welding Engineer / -Welding QC/QA Personnel / Welding Inspector / -Welding Supervisors 

Why attending this Course ?-Refresher course for the experienced Welding Engineer, Practice Engineer , Welding Inspectors & Welding supervisors QC-QAC personnel. 

-Fresh or newly joined Welding Engineer / Welding personnel will gain confidence while working with the ASME BPV Code. 

What are the benefits of the Course ?

-Course attendee will gain confidence while referring and applying the code for making WPS- PQR & WPQ documentation. 

-Understand ” How to refer codes & Standards ” for the given Job requirements. 

-Understand Specifications of the base metal & application of Filler Metal & Welding consumable for the given Job. 

-Deciding Pre-heat, Inter pass, PWHT Cycle Time. -Develop clarity while interpretation of the codes. 

-Understand the Job /Client requirements. 

Course attendee can solve their doubts and queries regarding interpretation of the clause during Q-A & Interaction sessions.

Kindly refer our attached brochure for detail information on the courses